Pamper Me


NO…. do not put me in a diaper. I was invited to attend a Pampered Chef party at the house of my very good friends. It was very entertaining. Everyone there got to help make brownies… (which ended up being slightly burned but with a little ice cream, were quite good). I ACCIDENTALLY spilled a smidgen of brown sugar on the floor as I was filling the plopper thing. THEN, I gracefully dropped a scoop of ice cream on the floor…. sorry.

After the demo, we arranged an Oscar night party. I have not seen any of the movies nominated for any of the major awards. I have heard that Gone Baby Gone is not all that great.Only that it is Ben Affleck’s directorial debut and has his brother, Casey in it. We briefly discussed Little Miss Sunshine which I have not seen but hope to. And while we were on the topic of Steve Carell movies, we mentioned Get Smart which will be coming to theatres this summer. I will say that I have seem Norbit on DVD which is up for Best Makeup. That movie should be a contender for WORST MOVIE EVER. I wonder how many movies have ever won both Oscars and Razzies.

1 thought on “Pamper Me”

  1. Steve Carell ROCKS! Have you seen Evan Almighty? You really have to suspend your disbelief for the film, but it’s really good, especially for kids – we love it! Is Gone Baby Gone nominated for anything? I know not for Best Picture… we hope to see Juno this weekend so we won’t be totally lost when we watch the awards on Sunday… looking forward to it! And it was YOU who made the floor all sticky?!? I wouldn’t have guessed! 😉

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