…what do you do? Someday I would like to know the answer to that question. Me, I’m simply avoiding all the stuff I need to do. I’m sure that puts my ability to got to that answer a day or two behind, but it is what I want to do now.
Maybe that is the answer. Things don’t have to be calm to find that time to do what you would do when they were calm. Doing them when life is hectic is the exact time to do them. Yes, finish those things that are a priority. Pay the bills, feed the family, get the things that must be done out of the way. And then for a minute, an hour, a day, or weeks even, do what you would do when things are calm. Relax, enjoy and recharge yourself.
For years, I’ve held back on taking time away from a perceived ‘must do’ list and didn’t do some things I would have wanted to. That put me to a point where I was not doing things that I should have done. So some time in the near future, I will schedule some time for me.
I may use this to do some things around here that I should have done years ago. I may do things that would just be relaxing. But it will be what I want to do. I’ll let you know when I force things to calm down. Then I will know what I would do…
When things calm down… yes, please let me know when that is for you. I think it would be rather dull after a few days.
It will be whenever I make it. Calm is a thing I need to refresh my life.
I have a list of stuff I’m going to do when things “calm down” for me, which basically translates to when all the kids get in school. Until then, there is no way I can find even an extra hour a week to do those things, especially since most of them require much more time than that.
Best luck to you to figure it out!
You have to make time to do the things you enjoy, or *you* will never calm down, so neither will “things”. Which explains why I have just finished putting together the “Trolls’ Mountain Fortress” (Castle line) Lego set, and am now surfing Facebook and catching up on email while putting the “Soldiers’ Fort” (Pirates line) set together. He bought me Legos, Daddy!
@Draclet – LEGOS!! I LOVE Legos!! Haven’t dug out my sets in forever…