I used to get them quite frequently while growing up but every once in a while they rear their ugly heads and I am done.  My only regret is that I had to miss my voice lesson for which Kathrine was more than understandable 😀 Next week promises to be interesting as she is hosting an exchange student from New Zealand,  I will have some one critiquing me full time.  Kathrine tries to play the piano and watch me at the same time.
My New Years Day was ehh. Â After getting to bed around 5AM, I was awakened 4 hours later by the dulcet tone of “Can you come in to work today?” I probably would have been more receptive of the idea had I not been brought out of a deep sleep. Â I did go in from 1-6 and at time and a half plus the 9 hours at the same rate that I put in the day before, I wasn’t all that upset. Â Even the fact that the day just SEEEMED to DRAAAAAAAGGGGG did not put that much of a damper. Â At 5:45 however, a customer called asking if we had Similac Baby formula. Â About 30 seconds later, the man of the house called, asked the same question, and thankfully asked how late we were open. Â So, being the nice guy I am… waited for the customer’s arrival. Â But as he was checking out with his 9 cans of formula (which put us over $100.00 for our last hour) I turned out the lights.
Bowl Games for Big 10 country have not been overwhelmingly successful. Â Thankfully, the Buckeyes ended their 9 game winless streak against teams in the SEC as they defeated Arkansas 31-26. Â And poor Rich Rodriguez is out of a job. Â I thought he did a fine job as the 3 year coach of the team up North but I guess the PTB had other ideas.
Sorry to hear about your migraine. Glad it got better! Interesting category for your post 🙂
HEHE!I got called away before I got to choose a more appropriate 1;)